Thursday 29 November 2012

compras & uñas ♦

went to town yesterday with my friends to shop and hang out. It was a very impromptu outing lol. Brought my DSLR along after not using it for months and I swear it felt as though it was my first time lying my hands on a DSLR haha. I had to ask Haibah to adjust my lighting and stuff like that, sheesh.

before heading to town, went to the library with Alecia to return our library books and pay our fine which was $12. Yes, twelve freaking dollars!!!! oh,  Alecia's NETS got stuck in the machine and we were both making so much noise lol. After that, we immediately rushed to town because we were... hehe... an hour late :P

went to FEP and i got myself a black skirt and a couple of bracelets. After which, we decided to do our nails!!! walked around FEP and we settled in to this shop.

 there were too many pretty colours to choose from!!! (after taking this photo, the lady said phototaking wasnt allowed in the shop knn -_-)

secretly took this lol so i decided to get my nails painted in red! and despite the suckish service, i must say, i love my nails!!

ohya, today, someone questioned me how many times do i change my nail colour in a week hahaha. Anyways, after getting our nails done, we walked around town aimlessly.

short outing but I had a great time :D