Wednesday 12 December 2012

doce, doce, doce

was unable to update because i've been really busy with work lately. Yes, thats right, i'm working (some find it shocking that i'm working and i really dont know why lol). Got surprise visits at work from some of my friends, hais, why you all so sweet hehe. Currently at my sister's house since i'm not working today.

so, i got confirmed last Sunday. Sadly, mummy wasn't there to witness it. Lost a loved one recently but i know he's in a better place. Will post my confirmation pictures once i'm back at my other house!! (provided i'm free la, hehe.)

and oh, before i go,


yup, its eldest sister's birthday today hehe and as i'm blogging, she's soundly asleep beside me. Alright, till the next post. Ciao ;)