Monday 26 November 2012

Its been awhile.

it took me a few days to think it through if i wanna start blogging again. No doubt blogging is pretty much a hassle, and after much consideration, i've decided to blog again. So now that i'm back on blogger, i am aware that i have to be "committed" to this in one way or another lol. I have to really set aside time to blog. So what made me blog again? hmm i guess i miss blogging. And since I have deactivated both my Facebook and Formspring, my social network life has only revolved around Twitter and Instagram. i highly doubt anyone is reading this lol this blog will be a space for me to type about whats going on in my life regardless if anyone is reading this or not. My blog is for myself, and not anyone else.

ever since i've deactivated facebook, i've been neglecting my dslr and my laptop (since i can tweet and instagram using my iPhone) so i guess i shall start making use of those electronics again hehe!

thanks to this bitch right here for helping me with the layout of my blog and for tolerating my demands hehehe (i suck at codes ugh). So... I am officially on my holiday!!!! while everyone was at home either lazing around, or dying, i was in school, doing assessments!!! the programme was both torturing and beneficial at the same time. Will talk about that programme in the next post!

 i dont know how long will this blog last hahaha but i'm hoping i won't get sick of it halfway lol fingerscrossed!