Friday 28 December 2012


so I officially stopped working on the 23rd of December. I'm glad that I got work over and done with and i'm glad i manage to survive and most importantly, i'm glad i didnt quit hehe. On one of the days when i was working, Santho went to visit me at work and surprised me with oreo cheesecake and double choc frappe!

 so she waited for me to end work and we went home together. Really had a great time catching up with her! on the 18th, it was my off day. Went out with Haibah and Nicole! Alecia was suppose to come along but she was late. Went to get my schoolbag and Nicole and Haibah got pissed at me because i couldn't make up my mind.. hehe opps.
 Christmas Eve was really different this year. Probably because my parents were not around. But I spent my Christmas over at Hema's house! she had a Christmas party and the food was good! had a great time at her house and whenever I think of the pictures that we took that day, it never fails to crack me up!

I'm so glad the parents are back after a long time. Anyways, 3 more days till the end of 2012. This year went by really fast. School starts on Wednesday and a part of me is excited but a part of me just doesn't want school to start.

before i end this post, i'd like to wish this sexymamasoldierwarriorhipster peh, a happy 15th birthday!!!!! :)

Friday 21 December 2012

dear mummy,

i love you beyond words.
Thank you for everything, mama. x

Wednesday 12 December 2012

doce, doce, doce

was unable to update because i've been really busy with work lately. Yes, thats right, i'm working (some find it shocking that i'm working and i really dont know why lol). Got surprise visits at work from some of my friends, hais, why you all so sweet hehe. Currently at my sister's house since i'm not working today.

so, i got confirmed last Sunday. Sadly, mummy wasn't there to witness it. Lost a loved one recently but i know he's in a better place. Will post my confirmation pictures once i'm back at my other house!! (provided i'm free la, hehe.)

and oh, before i go,


yup, its eldest sister's birthday today hehe and as i'm blogging, she's soundly asleep beside me. Alright, till the next post. Ciao ;)